May 2010

Frank Boland
May 20, 2010

This week we offer up another edition of Frank Thoughts.  In this edition, Frank reflects back to a round a golf he played back in 1966 and the lesson he learned that day: the importace of luck in business.


The put put put sound of a gas powered golf cart was...

Dave Canal
May 14, 2010

Two weeks ago I made a reference to Contravisory founder Ed Noonan's 10 rules for investing, sharing rule #5 about the dangers of a unanimity of opinion.  Since that posting, several people have asked me to share the rest of his rules for investing.  Before listing the rules, a quick word on Ed.  Ed got his start in the...


During my eighty-seven years, I have witnessed a whole succession of technological revolutions. But none of them has done away with the need for character in the individual or the ability to think.”

– Bernard Baruch