September 2012

Frank Boland
September 28, 2012

It was a late summer day in 1955.  Stamps and newspapers were three cents.  A bottle of coke cost a nickel.   That summer I was a 12-year-old caddy earning $1.25 for a round of golf plus, generally, a small tip.  But on this particular day I would realize what it would take to make significant money as an adult. 

The man I had...

Frank Boland
September 12, 2012

It was 33 years ago this month when I got off the subway and stared at a newsstand copy of Business Week.  The cover read “The Death of Equities.”  It was 1979, five years removed from the 1973-1974 bear market.  I was totally flummoxed by the story.  The story was incomprehensible to me.

True the Dow Jones Average had been going...


There is only one side of the market and it is not the bull side or the bear side, but the right side.

– Jesse Livermore