Do we have the capability to eliminate booms and busts in economic activity? The answer in my judgment is no, because there is no tool to change human nature. Too often people are prone to recurring bouts of optimism and pessimism.
From the moment I entered the building I knew that I was in another world. The building was the Burbank headquarters of Warner Brothers Studios. My host, Joe Smith, was President of Warner Brothers Records and our meeting had been arranged by a mutual friend from Boston. Joe was a major figure in the music business and was eager to show me...
“Which do you think is more important, the jockey or the horse?” a friend asked years ago. Now I have friends who have become clients and clients that have become friends. This man was one of the latter. At the time, my friend was the senior executive of a major corporation. So I surmised that this was a metaphoric...
To recall a lunch from 37 years ago, it has to have had an emotional impact. This one certainly did. I remember feeling somewhat despondent as the lunch began. The guest speaker was the Chief Financial Officer of Toys R Us. At that time, the toy retailing industry was an eight billion dollar business. Toys R Us with $250...
The Contravisory staff donned their hard hats and tool belts to help our local chapter of Habitat for Humanity. Our team spent the day working on Habitat's latest site build in Hanover, MA doing a host of activities including painting, hanging drywall, and cleanup. It was a long day of hard work but filled with lots of fun, team-building, and...
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