
Frank Boland
February 25, 2021

Imagine if you had just become the chief investment officer of the largest portfolio in the world. While there was no strong objection to your appointment, there was tremendous public skepticism. This recently occurred not at Fidelity Investments, Wellington Management, or BlackRock. None of them has a single portfolio close to the size of this...

Frank Boland
January 07, 2021

Blitzscaling is the business model of this 21st century’s knowledge/service based economy. The word comes from the German World War II attack concept called Blitzkrieg, meaning “lighting war.” This attack model always had high risk because of the necessity to combine surprise with a strong force.  Another risk: the supply...

Frank Boland
December 15, 2020

We tend to think of genre in terms of artistic composition. This is especially so with music or literature.  But it’s not that simple. Genre can also be illustrative of a broad context such as writing style … or subject matter. Moreover, every genre has subsets which can enrich the genre with nuance. I learned that years ago...

Frank Boland
November 11, 2020

It was a summer day as my new friend and I walked towards Quincy market to have lunch. He was considerable older than me and very definitely a Boston Braham. I had met him 15 minutes earlier. As we headed toward the market, it seemed as though every other passerby would acknowledged his presence with at least a nod. We were in Boston’s...


There is only one side of the market and it is not the bull side or the bear side, but the right side.

– Jesse Livermore